HomeCoursesMEDSCI 204: Pharmacology and ToxicologyLecture 10 Lecture 10 1. What is clearance? A constant that describes a drug concentration and elimination relationshipWhat is clearance? ==A constant that describes a drug concentration and elimination relationship 2. How to calculate clearance? Elimination rate/concentration or dose/area under the curveHow to calculate clearance?== Elimination rate/concentration or dose/area under the curve 3. What does the elimination rate equal? Clearance x concentrationWhat does the elimination rate equal?== Clearance x concentration 4. Why does elimination rate decrease? Decrease in concentrationWhy does elimination rate decrease?== Decrease in concentration 5. What does the rate of elimination change equal? ClearanceWhat does the rate of elimination change equal? ==Clearance 6. What is clearance used for? Calculating dose maintenanceWhat is clearance used for?== Calculating dose maintenance 7. What is maintained target concentration called? Steady state concentrationWhat is maintained target concentration called? ==Steady state concentration 8. How to calculate maintenance dose rate? MD equals clearance x target conc.How to calculate maintenance dose rate?== MD equals clearance x target conc. 9. How to factor in bioavailability and oral dosing into MD? Dose equals (clearance x steady state conc x dosing interval) / bioavailabilityHow to factor in bioavailability and oral dosing into MD? ==Dose equals (clearance x steady state conc x dosing interval) / bioavailability 10. What is half life of a drug? The time it takes for drug concentration to fall to 50%What is half life of a drug?== The time it takes for drug concentration to fall to 50% 11. What is the half life equation? T(1/2) equals 0.7 x Vd / ClearanceWhat is the half life equation?== T(1/2) equals 0.7 x Vd / Clearance 12. Is halflife related to concentration? NoIs halflife related to concentration?== No 13. How mych % is left after 4 half lives? 6.25%How mych % is left after 4 half lives?== 6.25% 14. What causes accumulation? Repeat doses given before concentration equals 0What causes accumulation?== Repeat doses given before concentration equals 0 15. When is steady state concentration reached? When dose rate equals elimination rateWhen is steady state concentration reached?== When dose rate equals elimination rate 16. How many half lives to reach steady state? 4How many half lives to reach steady state?== 4 17. How many half lives to not accumulate? 5How many half lives to not accumulate?== 5 18. Can you reduce the time to reach steady state by increasing dose rate? "No, as dose rate increases, so does steady state concentration"Can you reduce the time to reach steady state by increasing dose rate?== "No, as dose rate increases, so does steady state concentration" 19. How can you shorten time to reach steady state concentration? Through loading doseHow can you shorten time to reach steady state concentration?== Through loading dose Loading...