HomeCoursesMEDSCI 203: Mechanisms of DiseaseLecture 31 Lecture 31 1. Which cancers don't metastasise? Basal cell carcinomas, glial cell tumoursWhich cancers don't metastasise?== Basal cell carcinomas, glial cell tumours 2. When might cancers metastasis when they normally wouldn't? ImmunosuppressionWhen might cancers metastasis when they normally wouldn't?== Immunosuppression 3. What cancers metastasise to bone? Breast, prostateWhat cancers metastasise to bone?== Breast, prostate 4. Which organ do sarcomas metastasise to? LungsWhich organ do sarcomas metastasise to?== Lungs 5. What evidence shows metastasis can occur outside of malignant tumours? Monoclonality (genes of tumour found elsewhere), cancers of unknown primaryWhat evidence shows metastasis can occur outside of malignant tumours?== Monoclonality (genes of tumour found elsewhere), cancers of unknown primary 6. How do macrophages promote intravasation? ==Release EGF which attracts motile cancers, release TNF => causes vasopermeability, actomyosin in endothelial cells allow transcellular migration 7. When is cancer therapy discontinued? When recurrence of CTCs (circulating tumour cells) occurWhen is cancer therapy discontinued?== When recurrence of CTCs (circulating tumour cells) occur 8. What facilitates CTCs? Emboli with plateletsWhat facilitates CTCs?== Emboli with platelets 9. What do platelets do? Secretes TGF-beta that induces mesenchymal behaviour, protects from NK cells with fibrinWhat do platelets do?== Secretes TGF-beta that induces mesenchymal behaviour, protects from NK cells with fibrin 10. How do neutrophils facilitate extravasation? Bind to epithelium (sialyl-lewis x binds P selectins) (LFA-1 binds I-CAM -1)How do neutrophils facilitate extravasation?== Bind to epithelium (sialyl-lewis x binds P selectins) (LFA-1 binds I-CAM -1) 11. What inhibits metastasis? Endothelial barriers, lack of survival signals/supportive stroma (anoikis), neutrophil killingWhat inhibits metastasis? ==Endothelial barriers, lack of survival signals/supportive stroma (anoikis), neutrophil killing 12. What are the types of dormancy? Single cell dormancy: bone morphogenic proteins supress self renewal, micro metastatic dormancy (lack of angiogenesis): therapy, selective survivalWhat are the types of dormancy?== Single cell dormancy: bone morphogenic proteins supress self renewal, micro metastatic dormancy (lack of angiogenesis): therapy, selective survival 13. What causes reactivation of dormant tumours? Changes in environmentWhat causes reactivation of dormant tumours?== Changes in environment Loading...