HomeCoursesMEDSCI 203: Mechanisms of DiseaseLecture 19 Lecture 19 1. What causes obesity? Excess intake of energyWhat causes obesity?== Excess intake of energy 2. Is obesity an increased body weight? No. High proportion of fatIs obesity an increased body weight?== No. High proportion of fat 3. What are the factors of energy expenditure? Physical activity, diet-induced thermogenesis, basal metabolic rateWhat are the factors of energy expenditure?== Physical activity, diet-induced thermogenesis, basal metabolic rate 4. What are the ways obesity is measured? Anthropometic measurements, isotop/chemical dilution, body density and body volume, imaging techniquesWhat are the ways obesity is measured?== Anthropometic measurements, isotop/chemical dilution, body density and body volume, imaging techniques 5. What are anthropometric measurements? Height to weight ratio, skin fold thicknessWhat are anthropometric measurements?== Height to weight ratio, skin fold thickness 6. What are isotope measurements? H2O, KWhat are isotope measurements?== H2O, K 7. What are imaging techniques? Ultrasound, tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance sprectroscopyWhat are imaging techniques? ==Ultrasound, tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance sprectroscopy 8. What is BMI? Weight/HeightWhat is BMI?== Weight/Height 9. What are the differences that can affect BMI accuracy? Age, lean mass, ethnicity, type of fatWhat are the differences that can affect BMI accuracy? ==Age, lean mass, ethnicity, type of fat 10. What causes obesity? Genetics, environmental, psychological, fetal programming, illness, drugsWhat causes obesity?== Genetics, environmental, psychological, fetal programming, illness, drugs 11. What are co morbidities of obesity? Type II diabetes, CV disease, cancer, sleep apnoea, gallstones, osteoarthritis, reproductive problems, emotional problemsWhat are co morbidities of obesity?== Type II diabetes, CV disease, cancer, sleep apnoea, gallstones, osteoarthritis, reproductive problems, emotional problems 12. What hormone is produced by adipose tissue? LeptinWhat hormone is produced by adipose tissue?== Leptin 13. What does leptin do? Regulates food intake and metabolismWhat does leptin do?== Regulates food intake and metabolism 14. What can change the metabolism of cells? Nutrients, climateWhat can change the metabolism of cells? ==Nutrients, climate 15. hat is a genetic cause of obesity? Protein that produces leptin is dysfunctionalhat is a genetic cause of obesity?== Protein that produces leptin is dysfunctional 16. Why does injected leptin not induce weight loss in obese individuals? They have leptin already but are resistantWhy does injected leptin not induce weight loss in obese individuals?== They have leptin already but are resistant 17. What are short term appetite regulators? Ghrelin, CCK, PYYWhat are short term appetite regulators? ==Ghrelin, CCK, PYY 18. What produces ghrelin? StomachWhat produces ghrelin?== Stomach 19. What produces CCK and PYY? GutWhat produces CCK and PYY?== Gut 20. Which is the hunger hormone? GhrelinWhich is the hunger hormone?== Ghrelin 21. Which are satiety? CCK, PYYWhich are satiety?== CCK, PYY 22. What are long term regulators of body weight?= =Insulin, leptin What are long term regulators of body weight?= =Insulin, leptin 23. Which neurons sense hormones and nutrients in the hypothalamus? AgRP, POMCWhich neurons sense hormones and nutrients in the hypothalamus? ==AgRP, POMC 24. Which works through the vagal nerve? GhrelinWhich works through the vagal nerve?== Ghrelin 25. What is another genetic cause of obesity? POMC mutationWhat is another genetic cause of obesity? ==POMC mutation 26. What peptide is produced by POMC and decreases appetite? ⍺-MSHWhat peptide is produced by POMC and decreases appetite?== ⍺-MSH 27. How does a decrease in leptin influence AGRP neurons? Causes increased AGRP production which is an antagonist to ⍺-MSHHow does a decrease in leptin influence AGRP neurons?== Causes increased AGRP production which is an antagonist to ⍺-MSH 28. What stimulates POMC neurons to produce ⍺-MSH? LeptinWhat stimulates POMC neurons to produce ⍺-MSH?== Leptin 29. What does ⍺-MSH do? Binds to MC4 receptor to decrease appetiteWhat does ⍺-MSH do?== Binds to MC4 receptor to decrease appetite 30. What does AGRP do? Blocks ⍺-MSH and increases appetiteWhat does AGRP do?== Blocks ⍺-MSH and increases appetite 31. Where are MC4 receptors found? Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamusWhere are MC4 receptors found?== Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus 32. What is the single most important gene mutation in obesity? MC4 receptorWhat is the single most important gene mutation in obesity?== MC4 receptor Loading...