HomeCoursesMEDSCI 202: Microbiology and ImmunologyLecture 28 Lecture 28 1. What structurally differentiates protazoa from bacteria? Membrane bound nucleusWhat structurally differentiates protazoa from bacteria?== Membrane bound nucleus Question 1 of 30 2. What organism is responsible for malaria? "Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum"What organism is responsible for malaria?== "Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum" Question 2 of 30 3. What organism is responsible for toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasma gondiiWhat organism is responsible for toxoplasmosis? ==Toxoplasma gondii Question 3 of 30 4. What organism is responsible for giradiasis? Giaria lambliaWhat organism is responsible for giradiasis?== Giaria lamblia Question 4 of 30 5. What organ does giardia infect? GutWhat organ does giardia infect?== Gut Question 5 of 30 6. How is giardia acquired? Water contaminationHow is giardia acquired?== Water contamination Question 6 of 30 7. How does giardia affect intestinal cells?= =Damage absorptive microvilli structures causing watery diarrhoea How does giardia affect intestinal cells?= =Damage absorptive microvilli structures causing watery diarrhoea Question 7 of 30 8. What is the lifecycle of giardia? Cyst > intestine > excyst > grazing > bifission > cyst > excretionWhat is the lifecycle of giardia?== Cyst > intestine > excyst > grazing > bifission > cyst > excretion Question 8 of 30 9. What is the test for giardia? PCRWhat is the test for giardia?== PCR Question 9 of 30 10. What is the treatment for giardia? MetionidazoleWhat is the treatment for giardia?==Metionidazole Question 10 of 30 11. What is the source of toxoplasma gondii? "Cat faeces, uncooked infected meat"What is the source of toxoplasma gondii?== "Cat faeces, uncooked infected meat" Question 11 of 30 12. How is T. gondii transmitted? Cat faecesHow is T. gondii transmitted?== Cat faeces Question 12 of 30 13. How does the T. gondii survive? OocystsHow does the T. gondii survive?== Oocysts Question 13 of 30 14. What is a severe complication of T. gondii When a pregnant woman passes to a fetusWhat is a severe complication of T. gondii== When a pregnant woman passes to a fetus Question 14 of 30 15. What can happen to the immune suppressed? Enlarged cysts especially in the brainWhat can happen to the immune suppressed?== Enlarged cysts especially in the brain Question 15 of 30 16. How is tosplasmosis diagnosed? "Serology, PCR, radiology, ophthlmoscopy"How is tosplasmosis diagnosed?== "Serology, PCR, radiology, ophthlmoscopy" Question 16 of 30 17. How to tell if infection is acute or chronic? "IgM +ve > acute, IgG +ve > chronic"How to tell if infection is acute or chronic?== "IgM +ve > acute, IgG +ve > chronic" Question 17 of 30 18. What is the treatment for immunosuppressed? SulphadiazineWhat is the treatment for immunosuppressed?== Sulphadiazine Question 18 of 30 19. Which malarial protazoa is more dangerous? P. falciparumWhich malarial protazoa is more dangerous?== P. falciparum Question 19 of 30 20. How is malaria transmitted?= =Human to human through mosquito bites How is malaria transmitted?= =Human to human through mosquito bites Question 20 of 30 21. What species of mosquito spreads malaria? AnophelesWhat species of mosquito spreads malaria?== Anopheles Question 21 of 30 22. How is malaria driven out of a country? Killing anophelus mosquitoHow is malaria driven out of a country?== Killing anophelus mosquito Question 22 of 30 23. How does anopheles transmit malaria? Injects infected saliva to coagulate bloodHow does anopheles transmit malaria?== Injects infected saliva to coagulate blood Question 23 of 30 24. What is the progression of malarial infection?= ="Multiply in liver, formation of merozoites, rupture of liver cells, invasion into RBCs, rupture of RBCs causing fever" What is the progression of malarial infection?= ="Multiply in liver, formation of merozoites, rupture of liver cells, invasion into RBCs, rupture of RBCs causing fever" Question 24 of 30 25. How does plasmodium falciparium reproduce?== Sporozoites in saliva > merozoites in liver > gametocytes in RBCs => mosquito intestine reproduction and formation of sporozoites > salivary glands of mosquito Question 25 of 30 26. How is malaria diagnosed? "Microscopy, syndrome, antigen detection"How is malaria diagnosed?== "Microscopy, syndrome, antigen detection" Question 26 of 30 27. How does malaria cause problems? Sludges blood in capillaries in brain and kidneysHow does malaria cause problems?== Sludges blood in capillaries in brain and kidneys Question 27 of 30 28. Which malarial protazoa can cause repeated infection? P. vivax (liver hypnozoites)Which malarial protazoa can cause repeated infection?== P. vivax (liver hypnozoites) Question 28 of 30 29. What is the treatment for P. falciparum? "Quinine, artemether, doxycycline"What is the treatment for P. falciparum?== "Quinine, artemether, doxycycline" Question 29 of 30 30. What is the treatment for P. Vivax? ChloroquineWhat is the treatment for P. Vivax?== ChloroquineQuestion 30 of 30 Loading...